Jenny Perry
Jenny Perry grew up in Southern California but moved to Oklahoma in her twenties. She creates her mosaics from smalti, stone, unglazed porcelain, glass, and a variety of other materials including found objects that she finds on her forages along country roads that she refers to as Redneck Beachcombing. Jenny creates both abstract and realistic mosaics, many including words and themes close to her heart.
"Mosaics give me a sense of peace. They please not only the eye, but the soul. I love the way the inside of a chunk of marble looks when it is cleaved in half and the way the surface of a mosaic seems to almost dance in the changing light.
I want my art to evoke sweet memories...of places that you love, and of books and songs that have touched your heart. My art makes me happy, and I hope that it makes you happy, too. There should be more happiness in this world."